Get Your Laptop Batteries At Your Neighborhood Pc Repairs Store

Get Your Laptop Batteries At Your Neighborhood Pc Repairs Store

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If you were to look at most of your high end electrical devices such as laptop, personal digital assistant, cell phone, MP3 player etc, most probably it will be powered by a lithium based battery.

If you have your PC case off you will see something on the motherboard that looks like a small thick silver coin. That is the battery. There are other types of battery used on newer machines Ni-Cad NVRAM but these much less frequently found and so I won't discuss lithium battery stocks them further.

I'm always on the lookout for a good Bluetooth headset and headphones. I found both at the Jabra booth. My favorite is Lithium mines Ontario the Jabra BT Bluetooth speaker and headphones. This is a first-time combination that is unique of the market. You can remove the headphones, fold them out, and they become speakers that broadcast your sound with Ziree Power Bass for a surprisingly full, rich sound environment. These are a must have in my mobile pack.

Design: The Asus Eee PC T91MT measures at 8.9 x 6.5 x 1 inches and weighs just 2.1 pounds. It has an all-white glossy white finish that is only contrasted with a black screen bezel (frame). The touch pad area is gray/silver in color. Overall, this little tablet netbook has a very chic and fashionable appearance, perfect for any style conscious PC users.

When it's time to buy a new lithium ion battery, be sure you're buying one that's new (as in recently produced). Just like fruit has a shelf-life, so do batteries and just like you want to buy fresh produce, you also want to invest in "fresh" Lithium battery stocks ion cells. Check the date-code on the battery or packaging to ensure you're not buying a pack that's been degrading for a year on some shelf.

Memory effect will reduce the life of a battery. Modern Lithium-ion batteries do not suffer from memory effect, although it does occur in Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) units when charged from levels other than 0% of battery capacity. If the (NiMH) unit was fully charged when initially at say 20% capacity, the resulting available capacity would only be 80% of the factory original. Of course every time you charged the battery, the total available capacity would reduce and eventually your mobile phone would prove to be increasingly useless. Nearly all new electronic devices are now powered by Lithium batteries. You should always condition your (NiMH) battery from new.

The odds that you will using the Lithium-Ion batteries are 99% ( that's if you are using the new breeds of laptops :) ). Just check the abbreviation that says LION or Li-Ion on your laptop battery label. There are still a few laptops that are using Ni-MH batteries these days and you might want to check with the manufacturer whether you can do an upgrade from Ni-MH to Li-Ion. Using unapproved batteries could led to dire consequences .... so do be very careful on this. If you have a higher budget you might want to check out SMART batteries. It has a power management circuitry and it will indicate to the user what is the current condition of the battery.

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